ppnt gdynia | design centre


08 2022 01

6 out of 10 Polish employees would be more likely to return to the office if the employer co-finance

The city mobility budget is becoming a desirable employee benefit in Polish companies, as well as the possibility of remote work, as has been shown by the Kantar study for FREE NOW, amobility Super Appn. 53% of Polish employees also admit that they would give up a company car in favor of a dedicated budget for shared rides. This means that the company car is becoming a less attractive option for employees who are ready to replace it with a more sustainable and flexible means of transport.
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07 2022 09

Sustainable supply chain design in geopolitics

Sustainable supply chains cannot become a reality without sustainable products. Let’s explore the logistics processes’ risks and value assessment tools that can be applied throughout a product’s life-cycle. The analytical tools can make supply chains more sustainable, as a value chain analysis originates from design.  
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07 2022 09

Your next persona will be non-human!

Taking into consideration the needs of non-human stakeholders as we design products and services might still come as a shock. We will explore and normalise this novel approach. During the talk, you will learn how to enter the new enchanting world of ecosystem centred design.
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07 2022 08

Economic transformation and human prosperity

Doughnut Economics is a compass for human prosperity in the 21st century. It highlights the transformations needed if we are to meet the needs of all people within the means of the one living planet. 
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07 2022 08

Going Beyond Sustainability

If a digital transformation has defined how we live and work over the last ten years, then regenerative transformation will define the next ten. 
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05 2021 18

„What would Gropius do a century later?”

Conexiones improbables, New European Bauhaus esparrua, as official partner of the New European Bauhaus, is launching a series of meetings that seek to analyse, from different thematic areas, the role played by the arts, culture, creativity and thought in the processes of transformation and innovation of organisations and territories, as well as creating a network of dialogue and reflection on the contribution of transdisciplinarity, hybridisation and cross-fertilisation between sectors and knowledge in developing Europe’s future.Read more

04 2021 27

New European Bauhaus - conversation about a better tomorrow

Let's talk about how to create a collective, sustainable and beautiful reality. The city is home to all its inhabitants. What unites us is the need for security and a sense of community. It is human that we want to live comfortably and nicely. While taking care of our own health and the environment it is necessary to take advantage of the opportunities available and contribute to the creation of the society. How can this be achieved? How to plan a future that is good for us and our planet?Read more

11 2018 14

Learning Factory EcoDesign workshops

Learning Factory EcoDesign– discover ecodesign challenge and user needs,  identify environmental, business and technology impacts and opportunities and build the solution based on circular business model. Read more

12 2024 18

Centrum Designu as a BEDA member participates in designing the New European Bauhaus framework

The New European Bauhaus is a unique initiative, announced in August 2020 by Ursula von der Leyen – President of the European Commission, aimed at initiating a deep renewal of Europe by involving architects, artists, engineers and designers. Just like in 1919, when the original Bauhaus was born, the world is facing numerous challenges today, especially when it comes to the climate. The New European Bauhaus is expected to lead to positive changes again. The road to renewal is, inter alia, the European Green Deal – political initiatives of the European Commission, leading to the achievement of climate neutrality by 2050. The second element is the Renovation Wave Strategy – a strategy for optimizing the energy efficiency of buildings. Read more

12 2024 18


W ramach projektu CTCC współpracowaliśmy z przedstawicielami MŚP z Pomorza. Firmą ORPLAST, działającą w branży produkcji opakowań z tworzyw sztucznych oraz firmą  Adventure & Cruises, która zajmuje się organizacją rejsów na statkach wycieczkowych.
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12 2024 18

New European Bauhaus

In August 2020, the initiative to create a new Bauhaus as part of the EU recovery plan was introduced by President of the European Commission - Ursula von der Leyen. In her Statement addressed to the European Parliament, the president stressed the need to kick-start a cultural and sustainable space for cooperation. We have now entered the first phase of the NEB. The Design Centre, as a member of the BEDA Board, also participates in creating this unique initiative.
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12 2024 18

New European Bauhaus - we have started a conversation about a better tomorrow

We are after the first meeting on the initiative of the European Commission - New European Bauhaus - organized by the Design Center. This is the first step to act in the spirit of new idea, around which the most important European institutions and specialists in the field of design, humanities and economy gather. The goal is to plan a future that is good for us and our planet.Read more

12 2024 18

New European Bauhaus Lab – new platform for dialogue

We are starting the next stage of cooperation within NEB. The results of the co-design phase influenced the way of communication and the assumptions made. In order to support the implementation of the next stages, the European Commission has created the New European Bauhaus Lab, a space for dialogue and cooperation for communities related to the initiative.
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12 2024 18

The Role of Business in Creating Sustainable Lifestyles?

Nasze wybory konsumenckie i codzienne decyzje są głównymi czynnikami wpływającymi na emisję dwutlenku węgla. Jak moglibyśmy na nie wpłynąć, aby zapewnić ludziom atrakcyjny zestaw rozwiązań, które budowałyby dobre, zrównoważone życie dla każdego z nas?Read more

12 2024 18

Waste as a raw material

How to create added value from waste? Currently, the world is 8.6% circular. This means that over 90% of all resources we consume are not recovered and reused in any way. 
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12 2024 18

How to introduce a green revolution in the company?

Significant changes require knowledge, skills and tools. Zuzanna Mazurek will discuss how she draws on her previous experiences as a product manager and service designer during the challenges she faces today as the Head of Sustainability at Packhelp.
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12 2024 18

How to develop leaders of sustainable transformation?

What makes the leaders become pioneers of sustainable transformation and have the motivation to boldly shape a competitive business while thinking about the well-being of people and the planet as a whole? It is a unique set of values, attitudes and ways of thinking about the world and relations. It is Sustainability Mindset that each of us can build.
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12 2024 18

#It’s Worth Being Green

Football club with a 111-year tradition decided to reshape itself according to the ESG principles. Being a white (or actually green) whale on the Polish sports map, it builds a competitive advantage in the sports industry.
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12 2024 18

REgenerative Artificial Intelligence

Can AI models take on social and ecological responsibility for their further development? How can we contribute to strengthening ethical standards in our relationship with Artificial Intelligence?
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12 2024 18

Sustainable Design Mindset

The strongest motivation for designers is to positively impact the surrounding reality. Promoting this way of thinking and acting can help raise ecological awareness and increase concern for the planet.
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12 2024 18

Design & Regenerative Thinking

Architect and mathematician Peter van Assche will talk about new design repertoires for a circular economy. The talk will not just be about design, but also about the journeys of Gulliver, Models of Doom, the Anthropocene, Alice in Wonderland, László Moholy-Nagy, hobbit houses and the making of toasters.
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12 2024 18

Product (re)discovery

Let’s go through the process of unveiling and designing a business model and offer that fits the assumptions of circular economy and consumer expectations. Let’s analyse the case study of cooperation between Ergodesign, a consulting and design company and its client – a pioneer in implementing circular economy assumptions into its business.
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