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A Responsible Company: Actions speak louder than words

Learn about Patagonia’s internal and external steps taken to ensure that we give back to the planet more than we are taking away from it.

Since its founding, Patagonia has always been considered an experiment for doing business in unconventional ways. Today, our mission statement is: ‘We are in business to save our home planet’.
Since day one, we have been putting environmental and social commitment at the heart of our business, but we are not perfect, and we certainly do not have all the answers. Nevertheless, we believe that the private sector must commit to becoming part of the solution rather than the problem. As business leaders, we must act together to change our economic model radically. We must strive to look beyond profitability and shareholder value to start thinking about our businesses' impact. 

● Learn why responsibility and transparency are good for business
● See what steps Patagonia is taking to save our home planet
● Learn why it’s important for businesses to stand for something