
Karolina Cygert
Specialist I EU project manager, PolandGraduated from International Relations and postgraduate studies in Public Relations. From 2017 specialist at PPNT Gdynia | Design Centre involved in managing European projects and supporting SMES in implementing innovation. Coordinator of Gdynia Design Days in the fields of developing cooperation with sponsors and international partners and submitting business content for festival’s target groups.

ewa chudecka
Design Management Expert, PolandAn Design Management expert, art historian and interior designer. In 2019, she completed post-graduate studies in Design Management at SWPS, under which she develops her competences related to Innovation Management. She has been working at PPNT Gdynia | Design Center since 2013, where, she supports companies in implementing design processes and co-creates the Gdynia Design Days festival.

ewa janczukowicz-cichosz
Deputy director of the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park Gdynia, responsible for its development, communication and promotion as well as creative activities. Experienced project manager, using in his work issues in the field of design management, sustainable development and circular economy. Expert in strategic communication and brand building. A graduate of the Faculty of Management at the University of Gdańsk, the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology and the interdisciplinary Design Management studies conducted by the Institute of Industrial Design in cooperation with the Warsaw School of Economics.

Henryk Stawicki
Helps organizations create products, services and brand scenarios based on design strategies. As a co-funder of design consultancy Change Pilots he offers a unique point of view as both strategist and designer capable of creating measurable, novel solutions. Always brings multicultural perspective thanks to years of practice abroad including New York and London and such organizations as Parsons School of Design and IDEO. Member of Service Design Polska team, Gdynia Design Days Advisory Board and Cohabitat Foundation Board. Facilitates courses on Human-centered Design, Design Thinking and Design Management at the School of Form .

Justyna Turek
A designer, researcher, and initiator of the ideas. Creates processes, experiences and visual systems that allow brands, organizations, and events to communicate consistently the value offered to their users. She gained her experience working in design studios, design centres & cultural centres in Paris, Helsinki, New York, and Lodz. During the year, she travels around the world several times to gather inspiration and knowledge about changing societies and cultures. Passionate about sustainable development, human-centred design, and mindfulness. Co-founder of Change Pilots design consultancy and Cohabitat Foundation board member.

maciej otrębski
Maciej likes it when people wear smiles, things look good, words read well and smart ideas shine. He helps companies, start-ups and non-governmental initiatives to bring their value to the light. On daily basis, he supports food industry companies in the process of adapting to plant-based eating megatrend. Maciej is passionate about: doing it yourself, sharing economy and bicycles of all kind.

martyna zimorska
Psychologist, psychotherapist and TEDxer in her free time. She works clinically with a wide diversity of people who struggle with social exclusion. An active member of TEDxKraków team, where she is responsible for the creative content of events and workshops. She loves to travel, sometimes also to unconsciousness.

krzysztof ożóg
Service Designer. Krzysztof conducts comprehensive activities, as part of which he not only creates new solutions and improvements, but also educates project teams. Activates the team from the first meeting. Later, the energy gradually increases. At work, he focuses on a deep understanding of the client's business and strategy as well as the needs of his users. Previously, he carried out projects in the area of Service Design Thinking and Customer Experience, among others for mBank, Santander Consumer Bank, BGŻ BNP Paribas, IKEA, Tauron Dystrybucja. Krzysztof also shares his knowledge during the conference (including POLISHOPA Design Thinking Conference 2018, Crash Mondays). He is a member of the Service Design Network, as part of which he constantly broadens his knowledge and follows the latest trends in the area of designing services and experiences. Krzysztof is a volcano of energy. Everyone who has had the opportunity to participate in his processes, trainings and workshops knows this. It infects you with enthusiasm and is an inexhaustible source of ideas and inspiration for changes and improvements. In addition, he claims to be a minimalist, although he collects on the desk a lot of cards with notes and a few balls "to focus on". Privately, he is passionate about coffee and matches, as well as a lover of Japanese martial arts (Aikido).

katarzyna michalak
Design Researcher. Passionate about research. She likes to plan them and select the appropriate methods and tools, repeating from time to time that research is an invaluable source of knowledge about users and thanks to them you can get to know different perspectives. In her opinion, combining methods, techniques and research tools is the key to success. She is not afraid of an unconventional approach. So far, she has carried out qualitative marketing research (IDI, FMG), among others for, BGŻ BNP Paribas, Eurobank, mBank, Grupa Pracuj and Ministry of Technology and Entrepreneurship. A graduate of Consumer Intelligence at PTBRiO (former School of Market Research), where she broadens her knowledge of the research area.

rafał kołodziej
Founder and leader of Greenhat Innovation. Specializes in strategy design, service design and futures thinking. As a part of Greenhat team, he carried out strategic projects for clients such as Allegro, ING Bank, BZ WBK, Raiffeisen Polbank, Ergo Hestia, Amica Wronki, Patent Office, Endo, PKP Energetyka, Silesia Design Cluster, Otomoto, Polpharma, Tatra National Park, SWPS University, TFI BZ WBK, Allianz, VOX Depots, YES, SELENA, PZU, mBank. He is a co-author and leader of postgraduate Service Design studies at the SWPS University, at which he facilitates workshops and conducts lectures on co-creating value propositions and business models.

agnieszka gliszczyńska
Designer at Greenhat Innovation. A graduate of Cultural Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University specializing in intercultural communication. She completed Service Design post-graduate studies at the SWPS University and Business Communication at the University of Economics. For three years she worked at McKinsey & Company, where she planned, designed and facilitated trainings and workshops across Europe and America and implemented training processes for consultants in the areas of UX design, digital business transformation and agile project management. At Greenhat Innovation - in addition to planning and facilitating client workshops and concept sprints - she led the team responsible for creating a new communication strategy for the city of Bielsko-Biała.

Ronja Scholz
Ronja is circular service design researcher at the chair for transdisciplinary sustainabilty in electronics at TU Berlin. Already during her studies of industrial design she focused on ecologic design and the possibilities and responsibilities of design in the process of creating sustainable products and experiences. Ronja has been working in design teams around the globe where she used the Design Thinking approach to create innovative user centric products but more over to establish interdisciplinary, co-creational processes. Before joining TU Berlin she was an innovation manager and business designer in the 3D-printing field exploring the opportunities for new, resource saving ways of production and supply chains.As such she has experience in developing holistic market approaches that take in regard people, technologies and business and deriving lean market approaches for digital and tangible products. As an agile coach she facilitates workshops and processes and helps teams to make use of their potentials.

Tapani Jokinen
Tapani Jokinen is Industrial Designer (FIN) working at the intersection of circular economy, systems, foresight, and design. In his daily work, he helps teams, products, and companies to become more resilient by applying circular design principles to make their future business, products, and services sustainable. He has 25 years extensive Design experience in various capacities and global locations, specialized on Strategic Design and Circular Design. Besides his work as a Design Consultant at Fraunhofer IZM, he is the founder of TJ-Design, a creative consulting firm that fuses strategic innovation and design with sustainability business practices. He was Head of the Design Portfolio and Strategy at Microsoft / Nokia, where he was initial designer behind the iconic Nokia 3310. Tapani lives and works in Helsinki and Berlin.
Dr Max Marwede
Dr Max Marwede is Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (Fraunhofer IZM) and holds a Postdoc position in the Junior Research Group „Obsolescence as a challenge for sustainability – causes and alternatives“ at the Technical University Berlin. As a Postdoc he develops an eco-innovation process for long-living products. As part of the department “Environmental and Reliability Engineering” of the Fraunhofer IZM and as a freelancer he supports companies in designing sustainable products and consults German and European public authorities on future ecodesign requirements. He has experience with technology roadmapping, interdisciplinary stakeholder cooperation and project management in industry-oriented research projects in various technology fields (automation technologies, renewable energies and electronics). Part of his work is to facilitate and moderate eco-innovation processes and train engineers and designers how to develop sustainable products.

paulina kisiel
Creative Director, Producer and Design Manager with more than 12 years of experience in the world of design. A strategic thinker who can clearly see the benefits and flaws of most situations. Since May 2020 an active Member of BEDA BOARD an association with a strategic mission to strengthen the perception of design across Europe. Since 2012, involved in creating a new quality of the Gdynia Design Days festival, as well as other ongoing activities under PPNT Gdynia | Design Centre. As Director, her daily work focuses on precise observation of trends in order to tailor the festival programme to user needs. Awarded the title of Strategist of the Year 2017 by Design Alive magazine. She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Gdansk Technical University and Design Management at SWPS.

Dr Max Marwede
Dr Max Marwede is Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (Fraunhofer IZM) and holds a Postdoc position in the Junior Research Group „Obsolescence as a challenge for sustainability – causes and alternatives“ at the Technical University Berlin. As a Postdoc he develops an eco-innovation process for long-living products. As part of the department “Environmental and Reliability Engineering” of the Fraunhofer IZM and as a freelancer he supports companies in designing sustainable products and consults German and European public authorities on future ecodesign requirements. He has experience with technology roadmapping, interdisciplinary stakeholder cooperation and project management in industry-oriented research projects in various technology fields (automation technologies, renewable energies and electronics). Part of his work is to facilitate and moderate eco-innovation processes and train engineers and designers how to develop sustainable products.

Dr Max Marwede
TU Berlin | Fraunhofer IZM Dr Max Marwede is Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (Fraunhofer IZM) and holds a Postdoc position in the Junior Research Group „Obsolescence as a challenge for sustainability – causes and alternatives“ at the Technical University Berlin. As a Postdoc he develops an eco-innovation process for long-living products. As part of the department “Environmental and Reliability Engineering” of the Fraunhofer IZM and as a freelancer he supports companies in designing sustainable products and consults German and European public authorities on future ecodesign requirements. He has experience with technology roadmapping, interdisciplinary stakeholder cooperation and project management in industry-oriented research projects in various technology fields (automation technologies, renewable energies and electronics). Part of his work is to facilitate and moderate eco-innovation processes and train engineers and designers how to develop sustainable products.

Dr Max Marwede
Dr Max Marwede is Research Fellow at the Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (Fraunhofer IZM) and holds a Postdoc position in the Junior Research Group „Obsolescence as a challenge for sustainability – causes and alternatives“ at the Technical University Berlin. As a Postdoc he develops an eco-innovation process for long-living products. As part of the department “Environmental and Reliability Engineering” of the Fraunhofer IZM and as a freelancer he supports companies in designing sustainable products and consults German and European public authorities on future ecodesign requirements. He has experience with technology roadmapping, interdisciplinary stakeholder cooperation and project management in industry-oriented research projects in various technology fields (automation technologies, renewable energies and electronics). Part of his work is to facilitate and moderate eco-innovation processes and train engineers and designers how to develop sustainable products.

Alessandro Rancati
architect and designer trained at the Politecnico of Milano. Member of the European Commission’s EU Policy Lab since 2015, Joined the New European Bauhaus Unit on December 2020. Founded and ran design studios in Miami and Barcelona. Taught design at Elisava, ESDI, BAU, Escola Massana, Barcelona. Extensive experience in design for policy, strategic design, design direction, design management, complex facilitation. Current challenge: to support the development of a New European Bauhaus Community. Personal challenge: to contribute to the development of a design culture in the European Commission. Personal interests: permaculture, additive/subtractive manufacturing, couture.

Piotr Czyż
architekt (dr), filozof (mgr). Prezes Stowarzyszenia Inicjatywa Miasto, pracownik Wydziału Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej oraz gościnnie na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych w Gdańsku. Jego działalność naukowa i społeczna poświęcona jest społecznej roli architektury i nowym metodom przekształcania przestrzeni publicznych. Wykonawca kilkunastu samorządowych projektów grantowych poświęconych rewitalizacji przestrzeni i projektowaniu partycypacyjnemu. Kierownik projektu naukowo-badawczego na temat strategii rozwoju polskich targowisk realizowanego w ramach programu Gospostrateg dla Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju. Konsultant tzw. Uchwał Krajobrazowych w Gdańsku i Sopocie.

Czyż Piotr Czyż
architect (PhD), philosopher (MA). President of the Inicjatywa Miasto Association, employee of the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology and guest lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. His scientific and social activity is devoted to the social role of architecture and new methods of transforming public spaces. Implementer of several local government grant projects devoted to the revitalization of space and participatory design. Manager of a research project on the development strategy of Polish marketplaces implemented under the Gospostrateg program for the National Center for Research and Development. Consultant of the Landscape Resolutions in Gdańsk and Sopot.

Jacek Dominiczak
professor of art and architect of the Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland. At the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, he runs the Studio for City Interior Design dedicated to studies on the advancement of architecture and urban planning in contemporary cities.Professor Dominiczak is working on the dialogical formula of the ethics of architecture, he is the author of the theory of the Dialogic City and tools helpful in its design: the Urban Grid Method and the Local Identity Code. He has lectured and taught design at universities around the world (Poland, USA, Mexico, Portugal). With the support of the Fulbright Program and the Kościuszko Foundation as well as the European art programs SEAS and CORNERS, he researched cities in North America and Europe. He has worked for cities in Poland and Australia

piotr czyż
architect (PhD), philosopher (MA). President of the Inicjatywa Miasto Association, employee of the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology and guest lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. His scientific and social activity is devoted to the social role of architecture and new methods of transforming public spaces. Implementer of several local government grant projects devoted to the revitalization of space and participatory design. Manager of a research project on the development strategy of Polish marketplaces implemented under the Gospostrateg program for the National Center for Research and Development. Consultant of the Landscape Resolutions in Gdańsk and Sopot.

Paulina Kisiel
Creative Director, Producer and Design Manager with more than 12 years of experience in the world of design. Since May 2020 an active Member of BEDA BOARD an association with a strategic mission to strengthen the perception of design across Europe. Since 2012, involved in creating a new quality of the Gdynia Design Days festival, as well as other ongoing activities under PPNT Gdynia | Design Centre. As Director. Awarded the title of Strategist of the Year 2017 by Design Alive magazine. Paulina also governs her own architectural practice — Awarded in “Czas Gdyni” Prize dedicated to best investments of 2019 for restauration of the concert shell building - “Muszla”. She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Gdansk Technical University and Design Management at SWPS.
Paulina Kisiel
Creative Director, Producer and Design Manager with more than 12 years of experience in the world of design. Since May 2020 an active Member of BEDA BOARD an association with a strategic mission to strengthen the perception of design across Europe. Since 2012, involved in creating a new quality of the Gdynia Design Days festival, as well as other ongoing activities under PPNT Gdynia | Design Centre. As Director. Awarded the title of Strategist of the Year 2017 by Design Alive magazine. Paulina also governs her own architectural practice — Awarded in “Czas Gdyni” Prize dedicated to best investments of 2019 for restauration of the concert shell building - “ Muszla”. She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Gdansk Technical University and Design Management at SWPS.
Kisiel Kisiel
dyrektorka kreatywna, producentka i Design Manager z ponad 12-letnim doświadczeniem. Aktywna członkini BEDA BOARD, stowarzyszenia, którego misją jest wzmocnienie postrzegania strategicznej roli designu w Europie. Dyrektorka festiwalu Gdynia Design Days. Od 2012 roku zaangażowana w tworzenie nowej jakości festiwalu, a także innych bieżących działań w ramach PPNT Gdynia | Centrum Designu. Nagrodzona tytułem Stratega Roku 2017 przez magazyn Design Alive. Prowadzi również własną pracownię architektoniczną - Uhonorowana nagrodą „Czas Gdyni” za najlepszą inwestycję 2019 za renowację zabytkowego budynku muszli koncertowej - „Muszla”. Ukończyła Wydział Architektury i Urbanistyki na Politechnice Gdańskiej oraz Zarządzanie Projektowaniem na SWPS.