ppnt gdynia | design centre

Another edition of the New Eurpean Bauhaus Prize has started

After the huge success of last year's edition, we are again looking for the best projects aimed at creating beautiful, sustainable and inclusive places to live.

The jury will honor inspiring ideas for transforming our everyday life, living space and experiences. In this year's edition of the competition, both new and existing projects of young artists will be assessed, which reflect the assumptions of the New European Bauhaus, which will directly implement the European Green Deal into the lives of people and local communities. The deadline for submitting competition applications is February 28, 2022. The competition is open to citizens of all countries from all walks of life, provided that their concepts, ideas and projects are implemented or actually located in the EU.
The works will be awarded in four categories:
  • return to nature;
  • regaining a sense of belonging;
  • giving priority to the places and people who need it most;
  • developing a long-term and integrated life-cycle approach in the industrial ecosystem.

The categories reflect the four thematic axes of transformation within the New European Bauhaus. They were identified during the co-design phase of the initiative with thousands of people and organizations sharing their views and experiences. Submissions will be assessed against the three core values ​​of the initiative: sustainability, aesthetics and inclusiveness. Each of these categories includes two parallel competitions of the competition:
  • "New European Bauhaus" - for existing projects completed in the last two years
  • "Rising Stars of the New European Bauhaus" - referring to concepts and ideas submitted by young artists under 30 years of age.
In addition to the sixteen prizes awarded by the jury (for first and second place in each category and competition), two additional prizes will also be awarded, the winners of which will be selected from among the best candidates by public vote. Eighteen winners will receive not only a cash prize of up to 30,000 euro, but also promotional support in the development and implementation of projects related to the assumptions of the NEB.

More information:
Official website