ppnt gdynia | design centre

Environmental trends — from ”nice to have” to ”must have”

Why are the environmental trends the foundation for resilience building? How to implement them without the risk of green, pink, red and bluewashing? 

The COVID-19 pandemic showed us that environmental trends determine how our world and everyday lives change.
Organisations must alter their perspective on environmental trends from ”nice to have” to ”must have”. Unfortunately, this leads to the appearance of wide-spread phenomena referred to as  greenwashing and more recently as pinkwashing, redwashing and even bluewashing. How can we implement the environmental trends responsibly? How to couple them with the Sustainable Development Goals? Are the trends, including the environmental ones, one of the most important blocks in resilience building?

● Understand how environmental trends impact the development of organisations now and how they will affect them in the future.
● Get to know new phenomena that should become foundations of a responsible organisation.
● Check what can make organisations resistant to future shocks.