ppnt gdynia | design centre

„What would Gropius do a century later?”

Conexiones improbables, New European Bauhaus esparrua, as official partner of the New European Bauhaus, is launching a series of meetings that seek to analyse, from different thematic areas, the role played by the arts, culture, creativity and thought in the processes of transformation and innovation of organisations and territories, as well as creating a network of dialogue and reflection on the contribution of transdisciplinarity, hybridisation and cross-fertilisation between sectors and knowledge in developing Europe’s future.

A total of nine conversations will take place in three stages between May and June, with the participation of 70 international agents and organisations to address the following seven areas: A future for all places and territorial cohesion; Digitalisation, governance and citizenship; Sustainable and inclusive city; Smart industry and services; Education and human development for sustainability; Culture, creativity and innovation; and Bioeconomy, food and health.The final result of this process will be the creation of a common repository with the recordings of the various meetings and the preparation of a document with recommendations and reflections that will be submitted to the European Union. 

First meetingDate: Tuesday, 18 May 2021.Time: 1pm to 3pm, on zoom.

  • Welcome;
  • Presentation of participating organisations;
  • The New European Bauhaus in relation to areas of activity;
  • Experiences, ideas or actions for a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful Europe;
  • Open dialogue;
  • Final reflections, next steps and farewell.
Participants: Sander van der Waal (WAAG Society & Technology), Paulina Kisiel (PPNT Design Centre), Dr Kai Böhme & Christian Lüer (Spatial Foresight), Anna Gunnarsson (Navet Science Center), Carlo Ferretti (Materahub), Federico Bomba (Sineglossa), Michal Hladký (Kosice Creative Industry). All sessions will be streamed live via the following link (no registration required). Partner organisationsWe have the participation of the following organisations for this series and they will lead the discussion in each of the areas:

Conexiones improbables, oficial partner of the New European BauhausSince last March, we are a strategic partner of the New European Bauhaus, an initiative promoted by the presidency of the European Commission that aims to act as a bridge between the scientific, social, technological, artistic and cultural fields in seeking new solutions to contemporary challenges and the design of future ways of living that can help achieve the goals set by the European Green Deal. The movement is currently in the co-design phase and promotes the hybridisation of diverse sectors in constructing a more “sustainable, inclusive and beautiful” Europe. 

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