ppnt gdynia | design centre

It’s not all rainbows and unicorns. Challenges for SMEs in implementing sustainable change

How to identify tensions between the design world focused on sustainable development and the daily operations of small and medium-sized enterprises?

Let’s discuss the problems of SMEs in implementing sustainable changes in organisations.
We all see today’s world concern for our planet and the expectations towards entrepreneurs in this regard. At the same time, we observe the owners' struggles and the pressure they can't always cope with. 
In my presentation, we will examine this issue from an entrepreneur’s perspective and try to answer the following questions: Why do they have difficulties implementing changes and innovative ideas in the spirit of sustainable development? Do designers and owners have the same goals and speak the same language? What steps can be taken to address these problems?

● Learn to identify problems in implementing “green” changes in SMEs. 
● Learn how to start a change in your company. 
● Get tips on how to manage the collaboration between design and business effectively.