ppnt gdynia | design centre

Designing for longevity

How to create a product-user relationship and turn it into a sustainable market value.

Bialetti coffee makers, pottery from Bolesławiec, your grandma’s ring, a Rolls Royce and a wicker basket from Nowy Tomyśl. All these products have in common their functionality, timelessness and cultural and emotional value.  These features make them universal and, therefore, more sustainable than seemingly revealing innovations. Based on the publications of Jonathan Chapman and Don Norman, market and social examples, and professional and academic experience, together we will reflect on building brands based on design ethics for longevity, see how and why to implement products that users can relate to emotionally, and discuss how strategic consideration of longevity in the product life cycle can positively impact brand development.

● Learn how to create a relationship between the product and the user.
● Figure out how to turn these relationships into sustainable market value.
● Explore how to build brands based on design ethics for longevity.